We will disseminate the results of this project as widely as possible and will credit all of those involved in the data collection, analysis and writing. Authorship will be determined by the criteria outlined in the working principles of this core value. Participants with one Tier 2 contribution will be included in the acknowledgements of the paper.
Core Value 3 Working Principles:
We will use an opt-in approach for publications, meaning that anyone involved in the production of data or willing to be involved in the model development and/or significant writing process will be invited to co-author a paper. Authorship is granted to team members who participate in a minimum of one Tier I or two Tier II activities (outlined below).
We define two tiers of contribution to a scientific output:
Tier 1
a. Paper leadership (defining scope and questions)
b. Substantive text writing
c. Modeling* as relevant to the defined scope and questions
d. Analysis of data and interpretation of results as relevant to defined scope and questions
Tier 2
a. Data production**
b. Substantive commenting
c. Figure and map generation
d. Framing and conceptual contributions
e. Model implementation
* We define “modeling” as model building and the analysis of data according to specified models.
** We define “data production” as field coordination and the collection, cleaning, coding, and processing and preliminary analysis of data.
All paper leads will commit to facilitating participation across boundaries (such as encouraging discussions and initial text writing in both English and Portuguese) given the different cultural, language, and disciplinary boundaries known to exist across team members.
Paper leads will make final decisions regarding author ordering, taking input from contributors and simultaneously considering i) level of contribution of participant, ii) authorship norms in participants’ different disciplines, and iii) importance of output to individual participants’ careers.